Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The importance of obedience

Immediate obedience to Jesus is so very important. When it's clear that Jesus is saying, "Do this," or "Don't do that", hesitation is foolish. An opportunity or blessing may be missed; a negative circumstance or even tragedy may result.

A friend tells the story of the time he was driving along a familiar road, when suddenly he heard the Spirit of God say, "Stop the car now!" He immediately pulled over and stopped the car. The next instant, a car came careening around the corner just ahead of him. The car was sliding on the ice, coming around the corner on the wrong side of the road. Because my friend had stopped his car when God spoke to him, he was parked far enough away to allow the driver of the other vehicle room to get his car under control and back on the right side of the road. If he hadn't obeyed, it would have been a head-on collision and certain tragedy.

The importance of obedience.

God's love for us is so great. He never asks anything of us that isn't for our good. So why do we sometimes hestitate or ignore His requests? It simply isn't possible to say, "No, Lord." When God asks us to do, or not do, something, it's either, "Yes, Lord," or "No, You aren't my Lord."

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