Thursday, July 26, 2007

That doesn't happen here, does it?

BOIL WATER ADVISORY. City works crews were going door-to-door today delivering notices to all homes and businesses in town. Seems a contamination has been discovered. "E coli" was the unconfirmed rumour. Nevertheless, we're being advised to boil all our water: drinking water, water used for washing dishes, brushing teeth, washing fruits and vegetables. In other words, any water that would potentially go into the mouth. This advisory is in effect until further notice.

It's interesting to me. It takes an event like this — a temporary lack of something I take for granted — to make me appreciate how blessed we are to live in this country. We have so much — I have so much, compared to so many others around the world.

Thank You, Lord, for safe, clean water. Forgive me that my first reaction was to complain about the inconvenience. May each inconvenience only serve to strengthen my gratitude for Your goodness and the blessings I take for granted.

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